
Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Dark Fantasy Basic is GOLD, a funny review, DCC RPG, and a huge sale

(Dear readers, I know I had a Christmas sale recently, bit I think this one is also worth sharing. We will go back to our "regularly scheduled programming" soon, I promise)

Dark Fantasy Basic has reached gold status on DTRPG, which makes me very happy. It means at least 500 people have bought it. 

It is a very small number when compared to big publishers, of course, but means a lot to me. And I think this might be a good opportunity to share this review (click to enlarge): 

I really love how the every character died and they STILL had a great time. That's the OSR for you... 

BTW, if you want to see other reviews, the other two in DTRPG are detailed and well written. They've read the book carefully, and it shows. You can read them here:

And, absolutely, DFB does play well with DCC modules - there is how I started testing it a long time ago. Notice, however, that DFB PCs are a bit more durable (and their saving throws are much higher).

DCC is certainly one of the best games I've ever read... One of the few that has inspired me in reading from cover to cover. I would like more simplicity and fewer tables, but it remains a huge inspiration.

It is one of these games that I would have a hard time reviewing... Like Shadow of the Demon Lord, the review would be something like "this is a near-perfect RPG"... Maybe I should just make a list of favorites instead.

Anyway, as you can see from the link, there is a big sale going on*, and most my products are included. In fact, it includes LOTS of products - including some classics like the original PHB*.

Even if you already have them, you'd help me a lot by leaving five-star reviews on your favorite ones. In addition, the links marked with an asterisk (*) are affiliate links - by purchasing stuff through affiliate links you're helping to support this blog.

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