
Thursday, March 18, 2021


So, I'm on Instagram. I'm trying it out, but I like it. Same stuff I post here: OSR, D&D 5e, RPG advice, dark fantasy stuff, RPG art, good sales, some of my own books, etc. Click here to see my profile.

Anyway, if you like the idea, please follow me there too. I am not always able to post here... but Instagram allows me to post more often (simpler/shorter stuff).

I'm still testing the waters, but I like the idea.

There are some cool artists there, and good RPG stuff in general. I'm following a bunch of people already.

FWIW, I'm also on Reddit, Facebook, and MeWe. Things were better when we only had to use G+... sigh.

Anyway, what do you think of Instagram as a tool to talk about RPGs? Any favorite people to follow?  let me know what you think in the comments!

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