
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

5e quick fix: classes

 My minimalist 5e project is going very slowly. It always seems that I have to choose between sticking close to 5e or going full minimalist. Anyway, I'm unsure about that one. I think I might release something anyway, just so people can play with that as they wish.

If you want to take a look or comment on it, I'll often be talking about it here in the blog, but I've also started a thread in the GitP forum. Feel free to participate!

With that said... 

5e is a decent enough game. Probably my second-favorite version of D&D. I get the feeling that the "fixes" it needs are minimal. So, instead of writing a minimalist version of 5e, maybe I should just use 5e with house rules? Or, as I call them, "quick fixes"? We'll see. I'm currently playing Shadow of the Demon Lord and I like it. But D&D still has something enticing for me.

Anyway, here are some small fixes, for example, that I'd add to existing classes. 


- Indomitable - when you re-roll, you have advantage.

- Improved crit also adds your prof bonus to crits.

- Expertise to athletics or acrobatics.

- Remarkable Athlete also applies to damage.


Divine Sense used at will.


Frenzy: costs one HD instead of exhaustion.


Colossus Slayer: the extra damage is according to the target's HD (for example, giants would take an extra 1d10 or 1d12; 1d20 for gargantuan creatures. Colossus slayer indeed!)


- Ki is equal to level + wis.


- Uses sorcery points exclusively. (TBH I want all spellcasters to do that, but that's another story...)


Any other quick fixes you would use for 5e?


  1. "TBH I want all spellcasters to do that, but that's another story..."

    The problem with 4E was that all classes played the same.

    Whether it was a fancy rapier move, a flying kick, a heal spell or a fireball, the method for doing it was the same if you were a rogue, monk, cleric or wizard. It was great if you were playing your rogue and had to fill in for the guy who played the wizard, but it made the whole experience more bland.

    That is what I loved about 5E when it came out.

    My point is that each class should feel different when you're playing it, so when some casters use 'slots' and some use 'points,' that's a good thing.

    1. Fair enough, I had the same issue with 4e.

      Notice that in 5e spell slots apply to almost all spellcasters, so the "blandness" still applies to that, somewhat.

      I just find spell slots a needlessly complicated system, ESPECIALLY when combined with sorcery points, but maybe you could let the wizard have them, for example, leaving SP for other classes.
