
Sunday, January 09, 2022

AI-generated monsters

As you might know, Teratogenicon, my biggest book so far, is about generating random monsters. I'm really pleased with the results - I tried creating a few monsters and it worked out really well . And the book looks amazing - just check the previews!

I'd like to make the process automatic someday. It is probably not hard to do, and I already have all the tables, but I know next to nothing about programming. Well, anyway, here is someone who does:

User Deep-Fold just posted some AI-generated monsters on Reddit. They look vaguely familiar (they are based on official monster art), but very weird, sometimes in ways that a human mind would have a hard time reaching... Truly alien stuff. Makes me wonder if one day we'll write monsters inspired by AI-generated images... 

Here is some of my favorites. 

Flayed beholder:

Burning cockroach demon:

A couple of folks who would fit in Dark Souls:

Lard golem:

Flying orifice:

Whatever the heck these things are:

Unfortunately, there is no better resolution available.

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