
Sunday, January 02, 2022

Happy new year, 2022 RPG projects, and some non-RPG book reflections

Happy new year! I hope you have a great 2022!

I'll go through my 2022 RPG projects first. My bestiary of Brazilian monsters is the main project. Writing (and researching) is harder than I though, but the monsters are AWESOME. Weird and dark, exactly to my taste... And the art will be amazing (see for yourself in the link above).

I still want to write my minimalist 5e, and my 5e house rules for dark fantasy (Fifth Edition Lite and Fifth Edition Dark). I'm a bit stuck but I think I can do something good with this.

Other than that... well, ideas are a dime a dozen, as they say. The most important bit, I think, is making writing a priority - and a daily habit. I'll talk about Planet Asterion, Rise of the Red Sun, Chronicles of Adryon and my Brazilian hexcrawl when I have something to show.

I'm in the middle of a Shadow of the Demon Lord campaign, which I'll finish around February/March, and then I'll do a small review of the game and adventures (they are quite cool). After that, probably back to OSR or minimalist 5e.

2021 has been a productive years for this blog - 92 posts is a personal record. I didn't publish many PDFs - my latest was 5e Manual of Arms: Armor & Shields, back in April - but we did manage to get the pint version of Teratogenicon, and it looks great.

I've written more reviews than usual, and commented on a few "deal of the day" and other sales. I have few comments on these posts, but some people say it is useful. So, if you want a review of one of your books and the subject fits this blog (5e, OSR, weird and/or dark fantasy, especially if you have a deal of the day programmed), get in touch (through MeWe, Reddit, or a comment in this blog).

Well, in fact, feel free to get in touch to make suggestions, discuss ideas, and so on. This is the main purpose of this blog after all.

Now, if you'll allow me some brief reflections on non-RPG stuff...

I've read a couple dozen books in 2021. Mostly non-fiction - finance, happiness, self-help... Trying to improve my life, be happier, find purpose. Some were good, some weren't (I especially enjoyed Rolf Dobelli for easy tips, if you want a recommendation). I've also read a couple of short classic I had never read - The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Notes from Underground. And they felt not only more meaningful but also more useful. I'd recommend reading both regardless of your tastes.

I'm not sure what to make of this - but in 2022 I want to prioritize reading the classics over current non-fiction.

Anyway, all the best for you and your families! Happy 2022!


  1. Speaking of Brazilian monsters, have you seen the HTML5 deck building game Tacape on It's got some good stuff from folklore...

  2. Happy New Year and all the good wishes.
