
Monday, June 06, 2022

Dark Fantasy Basic character sheet

Here is a link to my Dark Fantasy Basic character sheet.

If you've been waiting for a while, I want to say I'm sorry it took me so long.

While not as stunning as the work of actual artists (like the ones by Prosaiko and JV West), it is functional, works well for my games, and it has a "gothic" vibe that's adequate for DFB. 

I hope I can make an awesome sheet in some future version of DFB, but that's only a distant goal at this point.

You can get it here ("DFB sheet"). BTW, I'm making this a "public folder" with all my free stuff.

Let me know if you like it! 

I've added a .doc version so you can edit it as you want, or even adapt to your own house rules.

And, of course, if any actual artists want to do their own version, I'd love to see it!

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