
Saturday, October 22, 2022

The fighter die (OSR)

This idea is inspired by DCC. I think it can be adapted to B/X (or other OSR games) for two purposes:
  • Make the fighter a bit stronger.
  • Give the fighter alternative maneuvers.
Let's make this as simple as we can.

The fighter gets a fighter die (FD) equal to their level: 1d4 on level 4, 1d6 on level 6, etc. Before level 4, this is replaced by a +1 bonus (use 1d2 if you prefer). After level 12, the die stays at 1d12 and grows no further (if you go all the way to level 20, you could expand this to 2d8 at level 16 and 2d10 at 20).

With each odd fighter level, the fighter can pick a new maneuver. He can use one maneuver per round.
  • Bash: when you hit, add FD to damage.
  • Aim: add FD to your attack roll.
  • Slay: add twice FD to your damage if you crit.
  • Defend: add FD to your AC against a single attack.
  • Protect: add FD to an adjacent allies' AC against a single attack.
  • Take cover: add FD/2 to your AC against ALL attacks.
  • Mark: choose an adjacent target, he gets a penalty equal to your FD if he attacks someone else.
  • Resist: add your FD to one saving throw [notice that this allows fighters to use the same STs as everybody else, a la Target 18].
  • Recover: recover FD HP after you've been hit (no more HP than you lost this round).
  • Cleave: get FD additional attacks against 1 HD foes within reach.
  • Leadership: add +1 to attacks or morale to FD allies.
  • Etc.
Simple and effective. No bookkeeping, no complex math, no need for tables, each "special features" takes a single line and you have about seven at most.

(Notice that the fighter die is roughly equal to half their level; you could repalce it with a "fighter bonus" instead).

Maybe you could give something similar to thieves (to improve their skills and backstabbing) and even clerics (smiting etc.). But it should be even simpler - maybe as a fighter half their level. An 8th-level thief adding 1d4 to their attack (which doubles if you successfully backstab) sounds very reasonable.

MUS? well, they don't need a boost... BUT you can give them cantrips if you want, causing 1d4 damage at level 4 etc.

Well, for now, this is just a random idea. My combat house rules are already getting a bit complicated as it is, so I don't need to add more stuff now. But it could be a worthy addition for a simpler game.

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