
Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Happy 2023! + Projects + Reflections + Let me know!

Happy new year, folks!

Projects (2022 and 2023)

My projects for 2022 remain unfinished. I published a couple of books I hadn't planed - Alternate Magic and Old School Feats - but not the ones I intended. So, while I might write stuff that is not in my yearly plans, I won't make more plans until I finish some old projects. Just some loose ideas for now: updating some of my books, creating an actual monster manual for DFB, publishing some setting, and writing more B/X-compatible OSR material. I'd also like to make print versions of some books, since people have been asking me (some have created their own print versions, which I find awesome).

Going full OSR

This blog is going full OSR for 2023. I'm running a big OSR campaign (using Dark Fantasy Basic with a few updates) and going through lots of OSR (and TSR) material. You 'll see some reviews (including some old classics), lists, actual plays, etc. D&D 5.5 (or whatever it is called) does not look interesting to me at this time. I'm dissatisfied with the 1.1 OGL and I won't use it. My 5e projects are left aside for the time being.

I'll probably learn a bit about this stuff - and various RPG systems - out of curiosity, and I'll share the news with you. And I'll always write about RPG design, literature, fantasy, etc. System-wise, however, my focus is the OSR.

Mostly, I want to give some credit to existing OSR products, some of then a few years old - at least once a month, hopefully. Not only adventures, but also comparing different systems, bestiaries, etc. As I've said before, nowadays organizing is as important as creating, and recognizing other people's products is important to keep an OSR community going. Also, feels good. :)


I published a few reflections (about OSR, OGL, AI) in my last post of 2022. It might be worth reading if you want to know what I expected from 2023.

What do you want to see?

With that said, let me know in the comments what you'd like to see in this blog - or in PDF, print, etc. Reviews, actual plays, monsters, weapons, house rules... anything you've read in this blog (TV shows, design, comic books, literature, etc.) and anything else you want to see.

Thank you for your support and I hope you have a great 2023!


  1. Wunderbar! 1D&D/5.5E/6E be damned! I am looking forward to your 2023 offerings.

    As far as requests, I can't get enough behind-the-scenes GM insight: methods, procedures, styles, tools; it's all good.

    I really appreciate your published products as they represent a great balance of classic and streamlined sensibilities which is just askew from my own.

    Keep up the good work and may this year be better than the last!
