
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Russ Nicholson (R.I.P.)

Apparently, Russ Nicholson has passed away.

He was my favorite old school D&D artist.

His art in the FF books was a huge influence. The Citadel of Chaos was my gateway into RPGs. This darker/British/satirical shade of fantasy still influences my games and writings. You might know him from D&D (Fiend Folio, etc.), Warhammer, or OSR games.

He managed to combine fantasy, detail, grittiness, weirdness, and action into his work. This guy was a legend, the the epitome of "old school dark fantasy".

Thanks to social media, I managed to let him know and send him a "thank you for everything", which he responded kindly.


And thank you for everything.


  1. He was my favorite as well. Any love I have for the Fiend Folio is entirely because of his artwork.
