
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Death's Door Table

This table is adapted from Dark Fantasy Basic. In this game, you don't die immediately when you reach 0 HP. Instead, all excess damage goes to Constitution (which takes longer to replenish; zero Constitution means death) and you have to roll on the Death's Door Table.

You can use this table for almost any OSR RPG that uses HP (and also 5e, maybe in combination with this rule). I'm leaving this here for future reference, since I'm running a Dark Fantasy Basic campaign. I might add some lasting damage (on limbs, etc.) option later on, or maybe an entirely new table - not sure.

If you're feeling particularly benevolent, immediate death can be held for one round with a death saving throw - but you must roll again next round, and there's no third chance.

You don't need to use this for NPCs, but if you do, either count them as having 10 Constitution or Constitution equal to their HD. Undead/automatons have no Constitution here and no NPCs will fight after they lost Constitution (but the table might be useful to see if someone survived to give information, etc.).

One final warning: do not think this will protect your PC from death at 0 HP. The fact that you can survive 0 HP will often encourage to fight longer than you need and risk you life on unwinnable battles. Pick your battles with care!

Death’s Door table (1d20)
1. Immediate death.
2-7. The PC is dying, but able to act normally. Take 1d6 points of Constitution damage and roll again next turn.
8-14. The PC is unconscious and can be easily slain, but will wake up in 1d4 hours (with 1 HP) if undisturbed.
15-19. The PC is disabled; conscious but barely able to move. Move is halved and rolls are made with
disadvantage (-4).
20. Fight on! Recover 1 HP and suffer no ill effects for now.

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