I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.

- William Blake

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Martian Community Hexcrawl

As you might know, I've been a bit obsessed with Barsoom lately. 

While I haven't managed to write my own version of the setting so far, I've been invited to an interesting project, the Martian Community Hexcrawl. Here is part of the blurb:
This is a game jam for us to all to contribute hexes to an OSR-compatible hexcrawl  set on a science-fantasy, sword-and-planet style-”Mars”. After the game jam ends, a compilation of everyone’s work – with the caveat that I will edit it and may reject some submissions for not meeting the criteria – will go on sale. All accepted contributors will get 1 share of the 1st month’s sales profits for each 1 hex that they contribute. After that point, any further sales will go to me as the editor. Everyone retains the rights to do whatever they want – including republishing – with their own work, as well as rights to use the other contributor’s work IF AND ONLY IF they are doing so in the context of releasing their own version of the Martian Community Hexcrawl with at least 50% of the word count of their version being specific to their version. 
Anyone can participate, and there are already a few very cool hexes for you to check out.

It's been a while since I participated in community projects, but I like the idea. I see if I can come up with something to add to this project... in any case, check it out and see if you can contribute too!

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