
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Where to find me [2023]

Since the demise of G+, I've been trying to get in touch (or get back in touch) with more people interested in OSR games.

So this is just a small reminder for people out there that want to get in touch with me, especially to discuss books and blog posts, become an alpha reader for a future book, provide feedback, get discounts for my books and hopefully talk with like-minded folks

Here is where you can find me - in addition to this blog, of course. If you want to comment on a particular post, this is the best place to do it.

Notice that in all this cases, my goal is to talk about RPGs and things that are directly related (books, movies, etc.). Rest assured, you will NOT see a picture of my lunch in any of these places!

DTRPG e-mails: I send two or three e-mails through DTRPG every YEAR announcing new products, always with a discount. If you got any of my books - including Dark Fantasy Places, which you can get for free - and accept DTRPG e-mails, you'll get this. We promise not to spam - and we never have!

Discord: I use this one once a week more or less. I just created a channel to discuss ideas, drafts, sales, etc. Feel free to join! I recommend this one if you are interested in my work. Let's see how it goes.

Reddit: r/OSR seems to be one of the best places to discuss OSR games  right now, even though it is not great for group conversation. Reddit seems more appropriate for communities than to communicate with individual people, but you can still follow individuals. I'm there often.

Instagram: I post about once a month, mostly about blog posts. Take a look to see if you will enjoy my feed.

Mewe: This is in some aspects the closest to G+, has lots of great groups, and  awesome people. It's still a small place however. Great to make contacts.

Facebook: I can hardly make this one work properly. My posts get no responses, unless I add them to some group. Still, add me if you're in there.

Twitter: I only got in there, still getting the hang of it. Seems to be a bit better than FB so far.

RPG.Net/TheRPGsite: I post on both forums too.


  1. FB/IG are off limits, MeWe has made itself off limits due to its web3 ambitions. Discord doesn't have a format I find useful.

    Reddit I never got into it. I find it sort of the worst BBS system imaginable (actually, 4chan and clones are worse); barely functional for its purpose.

    DTRPG emails, as you state yourself, don't come often - they're not really for discussion.

    Far be it for me to tell you which media to use, but all of those are things I won't (really) touch. That's not supposed to guilt you into change or anything, because who am I to you? Not someone you need to cater to at any rate.

    No, the reason I write this is that I *have* noticed (and participated in) more TTRPG discussion on the fediverse since Twitter's descent into madness. But it is (relatively) quiet there overall.

    Still, if you'd like to try, you could go to e.g. or or ; these are all gaming oriented servers. I found a few folk from the G+/MeWe days there, at any rate.

    1. Yeah, I get that. I haven't found the perfect social network either. In addition to the ones mentioned, I sometimes go to RPG forums as such as RPGsite and RPGnet. Mastodon I hadn't tried, will look into it. Thanks!
