
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Dark Fantasy Basic UPDATE/ERRATA

I am currently running a Dark Fantasy Basic campaign. And it is going great! However, I've changed a few things in my games - the book was written in 2017. I often feel the need to mention this when I recommend DFB.

For various reasons (including my limited skills with InDesign), it is unlikely that I will update the book on DTRPG, although I might write a second edition one day. As always, I'll send a significant discount for people that bought DFB or any of my books (make sure you're getting e-mails from DTRPG).

In any case, here is my current "update/errata".

FWIW, the changes are mostly minor and maybe not strictly necessary (except for the magic part). Some things I'm still playing with - I can't stop trying new stuff... And I think some of them would prove unpopular in OSR circles. 

So, I marked necessary changes with an asterisk; everything else is optional and mostly a matter of taste.

So, here is a comprehensive list. I'll edit it if I remember something else.

- Character sheet*: you can find the one I'm using here. I also added one with six saves if you prefer that.
- Races*: you can find them here... but I sometimes create something on the spot. I'm also trying to write a small PDF on the subject.
- Magic/spellcasting*: I've been using B/X spells, and Spell Points. A MU follows the first column, the cleric has 2/3 of MU, etc. I wrote an entire PDF on magic (Alternate Magic). So, the whole chapter needs updating.
- Starting PCs: Sometimes I start at level 1, with double HP. To make it quicker, choose your primary and secondary skills. Get one tertiary skill on level 2, another on level 3.

Minor changes:
- p. 9 - I'm using a single saving throw nowadays, which requires changing some feats. 
- p. 10. - I use standard arrays instead of rolling [13, 12, 11, 10, 9 ,8].
- p. 10. - I am giving MUs 3+CON HP per level.
- p. 10*. - Five skills per PC instead of 6 (primary, 2 secondary, 2 tertiary).
- p. 12 - When a skill uses more than one ability, just pick the best; it is much easier.
- p. 14*. Extra attack felt too strong in play, so I'd give it a -4 penalty.
- p. 16*. Same for dual welding (-2 penalty).
- p. 24*. I'm giving away fewer feats. MUs get one new spell per level "for free" (these are B/X spells). I was using the table below but ultimately I decided that thieves should get as many feats as fighters, and maybe clerics should be treated as MUs. So, not 100% sure.

- p. 25* - I ditched XP and I'm using milestones now. My system was probably too experimental and cumbersome to begin with.
- p. 40* - Ditch bonus actions and maybe reactions. These were 5e-isms that I didn't need. Some heavy rewriting required because of this.

And... that's about it for now. I'm sure there are many small rulings that I make from time to time, but overall I feel that the book holds up very well, considering I did lots of playing and writing since then. And my players get the system pretty easily, despite playing many system and getting confused by 5e in the past.

Still, if I were to write a second edition, I'd try to improve layout, add more art, add more feats, a few more rules on skills, special circumstances that come up often (identifying magic items), etc. 

I'd certainly add class packages from Old School Feats, more races, and spell systems from Alternate Magic.

Let me know in the comments if there is anything else to fix, if you've been using it in any way, if you prefer my PDFs that are directly compatible with B/X (instead of having my own system), or even if you'd be interested in a second edition.

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