
Monday, January 22, 2024

Clans of Amarod

These area few clans for my current hexcrawl. If my players read this: there are dozens of clans, you might encounter these ones or not. 

Otherwise, feel free to use them in your own settings! Some entries might be specific to my setting, adapt as needed.

One thing that occurs to me is that I should have decided this beforehand - see this. I think I'm doing this for every setting from now own, as I cannot stand orcs anymore (I unfortunately already introduced dwarves and kobolds from published modules - dwarves are useful, as goblins IMO, but kobolds scream "we are in D&Dland" for me).

I think you should try it too - even if you like orcs, it is nice to have distinct clans, some more aggressive than others. And having FEWER creatures gives a setting a stronger theme and feel.

The last part is from Dark Fantasy Places (which you can get for free/PWYW), and not particular to this setting. I pasted here for convenience.

Uzumaki (goblin cannibals)
One of the most hated groups. Easily recognizable for their sharp teeth and spiral-shaped ritual scars. Hide in the woods, attack on sight, and laugh as they fight to death. Probably insane. When fighting other goblins, they prefer capturing to destroying, and will buy/ "rescue" goblin slaves if they are available.

Moonchildren (tabaxi mystics)
Curious students of the occult. Wear silver amulets, usually moon and starts. Like spellcasters, enjoy wine and singing. Collect books and memorize songs, exchange information. Usually nocturnal.

Ironfolk (silent dwarves)
They do not speak much Common, but do not look for trouble either. Found in mines and forests. Use body paint, usually white, with red and black details. Not much armor (bare chested), but carry heavy iron weapons. Their caves are decorated with stone statues - rectangular cuboid carved to resemble dwarves.

Skullfolk (human skeletons)
These thin folks use white and black paint to resemble skeletons when they are in battle (or raiding, invading, stealing, etc.). They are pale and have no body hair at all. A few of them cut their own noses. Their weapons are poisoned and they are extremely hostile when in paint (50% chance).

Dragon claw (wild elves)
These tattooed, scantly clad elves have a deep respect for dragons, although they recognize not all dragons are good. They are distrustful of anyone wearing heavy armor, as these are more common in the invaders. Discreet body paint, long braided hair, curved blades. Nomadic, claim no lands as their own.

Glowtoads (shy frogfolk)
They live in the marshes and avoid getting close to civilization. Sometimes they use special paint (usually curves and dots) that make them glow at night. Will use as a diversion tactic when needed. Otherwise, they are usually friendly to humans but hate mantisfolk.

Warp folk (human mutants)
These misshapen humanoids worship a green rock which has a strange glow. A few generations of natural selection made them a bit more resilient to negative mutations, but they still look ugly (scaly skin, asymmetrical features). Feared and despised by most, but not actually as aggressive as other clans.

Sky terrors (cupendiepe hunters)
Nocturnal, blood-drinking, winged humanoids that fight with moon-shaped axes. Very aggressive. Live in caverns near mountains tops, steal treasure for no apparent reason.

Firestarters (human/goblin pyromaniacs)
The worshippers of the Lord of Fire cover their bodies in ashes and burn their enemies to commemorate victories. Fight with oil flasks and fire traps. Occasionally worship at the crater of an extinct (?) volcano, but the location is secret to everyone except their shamans, who have been "touched by fire" (burn scars).

Greenscales (powerful lizardfolk)
The greenscales are the most powerful lizardfolk clan in the land. They take a nuanced view of the invaders; they know they are feared, but can make powerful allies. They might engaged peacefully with smaller groups. They were enslaved under some of the ruined empires and they hate magic and the cult of Apopep with its corrupted sorcerers.

Random clans

Type (1d20)
1. Tabaxi
2. Lizadfolk
3. Goblin
4. Cupendiepe
5. Dwarves
6. Elves
7. Mantisfolk
8. Frogfolk
9. Kobold
10+. Humans

Looks (1d20)
1. Naked
2. Tattoos
3. Body paint
4. Skulls
5. Sharp teeth (in mouth or necklace)
6. Demon mask
7. Colorful silk
8. Spikes
9. Ritual scars
10. Reptile hide 
11. Camouflage
12. Feathers
13. Wood armor
14. Jewelry
15. Snake motifs
16. Jaguar skin/motifs
17. Shell necklace
18. Light robes
19. Colorful hair/ beads
20. Braids

Like/dislike (1d20) - [or: respect, fear, worship, etc.]
1. Heavy armor
2. Strangers
3. Cannibalism
4. Spellcasters
5. Nearby tribe
6. Dragons
7. Castles
8. Undead
9. The Water Lord (main Lawful deity)
10. Alcohol
11. Commerce
12. The Ruined Empire (Apiaka, etc.)
13. Lord Belarte (or other nearby leader)
14. Monsters (like: 50% chance of pets/mounts)
15. Hallucinogenic plants/fungi
16. Other species (like: 30% chance of mixed clan)
17. Mercenaries / dungeon delvers (like: can be hired)
18. Agriculture
19. "The Natural Order"
20. Slavery/slavers

Some additions and variations

Tabaxi. Cat, cougar, red, blueish. A rare lionfolk might be found in the North. Many tell legends of ruined Muru, the circular city that stands in ruins - but ascended, "in spirit", to higher planes.
Lizadfolk. Red, mustard, blue, dwarf, horned, rarely white, black, chameleon. Most distrust magic, but a few are loyal to Apopep and the serpent-people that enslaved them in the past.
Goblin. Alchemists, tree-jumpers, burrowers (gray and earthy).
Dwarves. Albino, explorer, slaver, merchant.
Elves. Types vary, but mostly the typical "wood elves", closer to nature, or "underground elves" that enjoy tricks and illusions. Both are familiar with fey, dryads, etc.
Mantisfolk. Dark, mustard, red, green. A few clans are psionically held to a "hive mother" like bees and incapable of independent thought while near. Some gain individuality to perform outside jobs, and some gain it permanently due to genetics, accidents or death of a hive mother.


Other clans

Orcs - None. Replace by lizardfolk.
Hobgoblins - None. Replace by morlocks, pictured above. As hobgoblins, "dwell underground, but commonly seek prey above ground."
Aaracroka - None. Replace by cupendiepe, a more aggressive species of bat-people.


Villages & Cities

From Dark Fantasy Places. Unlikely to be used until the PCs decide to interact with one of the clans.

d20 Appearance
1. Intertwined with trees
2. Buried
3. Lifted from the ground
4. Made of moving tents
5. Camouflaged
6. Suspended over water
7. Built amidst ancient ruins
8. Huge and mostly empty
9. Dug up in rocks
10. A single building
11. On a mountain top
12. Brightful colors
13. Tall buildings
14. Misty
15. Narrow streets
16. Inside a crater
17. Constantly flooded
18. Poor and ruined
19. Beautiful and frail
20. Heavily fortified

d20 Society
1. Property is communal
2. No concept of privacy
3. Identity is defined by masks
4. Rigid protocol for every conversation
5. Universal vow of silence
6. Adults are cast out
7. Appropriate clothing is mandatory
8. Visitors have no rights
9. All burials must be in pairs
10. Children are raised by all
11. A proper season for each action
12. Travelers welcome for a single day
13. Weapons are forbidden
14. “Couples” are always three
15. Those who can’t fight must serve
16. No activities during daytime
17. Violence is never the answer
18. Everything is permitted
19. Might makes right
20. Casual cannibalism

d20 Problems
1. Besieged by monsters
2. Ruled by tyrants
3. Plagued by poverty
4. Infected by disease
5. Fiercely territorial
6. Infiltrated by demons
7. Filled with criminals
8. Resentful of outsiders
9. Ongoing power struggle
10. Cursed with madness
11. Violently expansionist
12. Falsely utopian
13. Mutated by Corruption
14. Malignant religion
15. Screwed morals
16. Widespread panic
17. Hopelessly defeated
18. Hiding dark secrets
19. Inhabitants cannot leave
20. Periodic human sacrifice