
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Happy 2024! (+recap and projects)

Happy New Year my friends!

In a brief recap, 2023 was a very active here for this blog - 91 posts is a record for me!

I started using X (follow me here), which inspired my last two posts of 2023.

I've been running a sandbox trough 2023, which I plan to continue for 2024. I'll probably try a few classic modules and write some actual play reviews here.

My first book, Dark Fantasy Basic, finally got Platinum in 2023! I've been meaning to write a post about that, and my  plans to update it. I'm still a bit unsure about which way to go. I started messing with the Labyrinth Lord document, but then the OGL debacle happened and I'm considering using BFRPG – which is under Creative Commons. This might happen in 2024 too, if I'm inspired...

I wrote a lot about the DMG, a series that is nearly finished (and will certainly be finished in 2024)! 

I have written a bit about Wilderness encounters, which is something I'll tackle soon; probably with a few quotes and even a PDF revisiting the entire procedure of B/X Random Encounters.

Other than that, I have been reading a few appendix N books that I plan to review soon – starting with A Princess of Mars and then The Shadow People.

2024 in this blog will be similar to 2023: lots of B/X, more AD&D, endless house rules, minimalist, discussing and changing existing mechanics, dark fantasy (in and out of the appendix N), and so on.

For now… I hope you all have a great 2024!

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